Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life
by Camille Moritz (www.Heavenonearthjustforbeingcom)
Ascension is already happening. All humans on earth are now in the process of readjusting themselves to calibrate with the higher vibrational frequencies of the universe. Earth has shifted on her axis and vibrational frequency many times during global events such as earthquakes and tsunamis. NASA has documented 11 earth axis shifts between the year of 1964, and 2013. Earth is vibrating at a higher frequency. Ascension of Planet Earth is transformation at a cosmic level. As Planet Earth rises in frequency, so must humans. This process is activating the crystalline consciousness of humanity. Every human’s solar light body is now activating and anchoring into physical being.
This may be referred to as the Golden Age of Enlightenment. For humans: Ascension is a Conscious Choice to engage in the natural evolution of life meaning choosing to consciously engage in Enlightenment. Enlightenment can be defined as the state of having knowledge or Divine Understanding. The only constant in life is change. There is a repetitive systematic order to the Universe. Everything is in divine order. Everything is happening on the macro and micro levels simultaneously.
Everything has frequency and vibrates. Frequency can be defined as: the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample. It is also the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second. Frequencies of our universe are defined and measured with a chart or tool called the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The Electromagnetic Spectrum reveals a repetitive systematic order of the Universe as known by human science. Humans only see a very limited portion of the spectrum experienced as light. Light is individualized through the spectrum of frequencies.
When a beam of light is focused through a crystal prism, the ONE light individuates into a rainbow of light and 7 visible colors of light emerge out the other end. Spiritually this systematic order of Light Energy is Fohat, the divine intelligence and substance of spirit, sometimes referred to as, prana, chi, universal life-force energy or the higher self. As Light Energy of Divine Intelligence is focused through the evolving crystalline consciousness of the human, the Divine is expressed through Matter on Earth. Humans are both physical matter and spiritual ether. This Divine Intelligence resides as the seed of purity in every particle of matter and in humans. The soul of an individual is the Spirit in physical form.
The soul is eternal as spirit is eternal. The form or matter is temporary. Souls carry the records and history of the spirits experience in and out of form. Part of the Ascension process requires transcending the individual’s perception of duality, separation, limitation and global strife in fear based consciousness. This Shift of Consciousness happens as the individuals awareness expands into a balanced free will, choosing love through the unified, integrated, awareness of One Universal Heart or Cosmic Consciousness. This awareness is centered in the Sacred Heart Center of each individual. As the frequency of mother earth increases, humans inherently experience expanded states of consciousness through multiple levels of awareness, dimensions and causal bodies. Through Divine Understanding each level of awareness bound to separation and fear based consciousness is now aligned through the one unified heart.
Camille@heavenonerthjustforbeing.com Copyright © 2015 Camille Moritz. All rights reserved. Movement and vibration or a shift in frequency is necessary to clear bound or stuck energetics in a human body. This is the same for Mother Earth. She will shake, quake, erupt, and align her causal bodies with her highest good. Mother Earth is taking back her rightful place as a 5 D planet! It is the divine plan. Volcanoes erupting, weather changes and upheaval are a natural part of this process. Humans are Angelic Spirit in Physical Form.
The Divine Plan is the highest divinely intended idea manifested in physical form. Humans are multi-dimensional Co-Creators of the Divine Plan. Humans are descendants of angels, star brothers, sisters, and earth primates. Each of our ancestral selves must become aligned, unified and fully empowered within and without! All have the power to CHOOSE LOVE IN EVERY EXPERIENCE. To Know Thyself, is to Know God. Enlightenment, Ascension, Heaven on Earth. In the pursuit of Enlightenment and the experience of expanded states of consciousness, it is helpful to refer to the historical texts, religious documents, theosophy, theological ideas, theorists and written wisdom available.
Each body of knowledge may supply information to assist one in personal process of becoming whole. In some traditions, this is the Science of Alchemy, where the individual transforms the lead or lower human consciousness, into the Gold of ascended human consciousness. It is important to measure or the resonance or truth of all external information with the inner knowing of the intelligent sacred heart. True wisdom is from the sacred knowing with-in the sacred heart.
The following is a list of traditional theosophical concepts considered in the quest of enlightenment. A list of requirements for ascension includes the following;
1. Balance 51% of your karma. The Law of Karma states, whatever we measure out to others is measured back to us. All karma is recorded in the causal bodies of each individual and collectively. The causal bodies are considered to be the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Etheric bodies. Also called the Memory Body, Astral Body, Desire Body, and Etheric Body. Every time we judge ourselves or others, we are karmicly bound to this judgment. By releasing this judgment and reclaiming with intent what we are now choosing to manifest we begin to release and clear these karmic contracts. When these causal bodes are storing more than 51% of a karmic lesson or experience, it will manifest in physical form through our relationships, life structures, and repetitive patterns.
2. Balance the Souls three-fold-flame in the Sacred Heart. The three plumes of the Sacred Heart flames are Love, Power, and Wisdom. The three-fold flame is the three-fold quality of our divine being. These three-fold qualities are repetitive through-out our multi-dimensional nature and have the attributes of the feminine, receptive and having, and of masculine, active and doing, the third attribute is, in the now, knowing as God-Goddess in human form. Each of these qualities must be balanced in each of the causal bodies, chakras, and multidimensional experiences throughout the souls incarnated history.
Align the four causal or lower bodies. Each of our lower bodies has a distinctly individual experience. They are the Mental, Emotional, Physical and Etheric Bodies or the Memory Body, Astral Body, Desire Body, and Etheric Body Often these are in disagreement with each other and each must be aligned with our higher self or our I AM Presence. We then can call forth, I Claim Divine Axiatonal Alignment, asking my Mighty I AM presence to bring each aspect of my being into Divine Alignment with my Higher Self.
4. Attain mastery of all 7 rays, and then learn about the 12 cosmic rays. The seven rays are the seven colors of the rainbow, 7 notes on the music scale and correspond to the 7 chakras. Each has a spiritual lesson, guide, and frequency. Each Ray has an individualized vibration or frequency and must be mastered. Each of the Rays have corresponding angels, guides, totems, etc.. Learning which guides work with each of the rays will help one to gain mastery. The rays are not the charkas, but each ray does correspond to a charka in our being. The lessons of the Rays are: Ray 1, Will & Power. Ray 2, Love & Wisdom. Ray 3, Active Intelligence. Ray 4, Harmony through Conflict. Ray 5, Concrete Knowledge & Science, Ray 6, Devotion & Idealism, Ray 7, Ceremonial Order, Ritual and Magic. 5. Obtain mastery over all outer conditions.
The reality is that ALL IS ONE; there is no separation in Spirit. Each human is a free sovereign individualized expression of Spirit in physical form their own color of the rainbow. We need all the colors to form the one white light. Similarly, all humans and sentient beings are unified through the one universal heart, of all that is. We must learn to follow our deepest desires from the sacred heart with no other person’s opinion having matter. It does not matter what any other person says, feels or does, we must be our own Higher-Self in human choosing for our own Highest Good always.
6. Fulfill one's divine plan. Each soul has a plan and purpose. Ask your Mighty I AM presence to reveal your plan to you. This can be done through the magical birthright of Divine Revelation. I Claim my Birthright to Remember my Original Souls; Origins, Purpose, Mission, Contracts, Lessons, and Intentions. I Claim my Birthright to Remember to Remember.
7. Transmute the electronic belt. The electronic belt is the un-transmuted karma that sits in our energetic field around our waist. It is sometimes called the “Dweller on the Threshold” or the “Guardian at the Gate”, it sometimes appears as a dark entity separate from ourselves that tries to keep us stuck in fear.
8. Raise the Kundalini. The Kundalini (shakti) is the LIFE SOURCE that flow’s upwards activating our light body and allowing us to become superhuman or super spiritual. It is very connected to the Divine Mother or the source of supply from the earth that we lift up to the sky. Reverend Camille Moritz, Divine Revelator, Spiritual Intuitive, Medium, Reader, Healer, and Teacher. Temple of the Violet Flame, Homer, Alaska.
9. Build the Rainbow Bridge, Antakarana between Personality, Soul & Monad. Keep a constant 24/7 steady spiraling flow both up and down the column of light. This process builds the Antakarana, Rainbow Bridge, sometimes called the Tube of Light. Build your Rainbow Bridge; Place your hand on your Sacred Heart and Speak Outloud, through the Power of the Spoken Word.
AFFIRM DAILY TO BUILD RAINBOW BRIDGE: I AM the SOUL, I AM LIGHT DIVINE, I AM LOVE, I AM WILL, I AM FIXED DESIGN. 10. Anchor the Solar Light Body. Ascension is really a Descension process: the anchoring of the light body is a process of building our light quotient. The Solar Light Body: Mer (light) Ka (spirit) and Ba (body ) Star-Merkaba, Diamond Heart, Light Body, Light Ship….Holy of Holy’s: When the fire by friction (internal) merges with electric fire (external) the solar fire, SOLAR LIGHT BODY is created. Imagine being in a pyramid of light with the point a foot above the head and the base below the solar plexus chakra, Ascension.
While also imagining the second pyramid of light with the point a foot below the feet and the base above your heat chakra, Decencsion. Each pyramid is spinning, one clockwise and the other counter-clockwise. These form a Diamond Light Vortex at the center of the Sacred Heart while centering one in a starship-light Merkaba.
Reverend Camille Moritz, Divine Revelator, Spiritual Intuitive, Medium, Reader, Healer, and Teacher. Temple of the Violet Flame, Homer, Alaska .