Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life
What happens during an Akashic Record Consultation?
During an Akashic Record counseling session with Luminessa your Akashic
Records are accessed with the use of a sacred prayer. Once the prayer
has been spoken, your Records are accessible during the time of the
Reading. You might experience a sense of peace or love when your
Records are accessed. Sometimes Luminessa will begin the session with a
short meditation to unify your energies.
An Akashic Record counseling is based entirely on your questions. The
answers will be provided by Luminessa as she channels them from your
Masters, Teachers and Guides and the Keepers of the Records.
Sometimes depending upon your topic or question Luminessa may do a
soul retrieval, karmic healing, past life healing or other type of clearing as
At the end of the session, Luminessa will close your Records and
give thanks to your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones and the Lords of
the Records. After your Records have been closed, they are no longer
accessible to Luminessa or anyone else. They are once again held safely
by the Keepers or Guardians of your Akashic Records.
Why is a Consultation based on my questions?
Your Akashic Records are multi-dimensional and infinite, and so they are
much more immense than any human mind can conceive. The person
giving the consultation cannot see the entirety of your Records, so your
questions are needed to provide doorways for the channeler to to receive
any information. This also enables you to determine which topics you
want to address during your Consultation.
Is there a "right" or "wrong" way to state my questions for an
Akashic Record Consultation?
While there is no right or wrong way to phrase your questions, there are
some guidelines for asking questions in ways that can help you receive
the information you are looking for.
Are there any subjects that are forbidden to be asked in a counseling session?
There are no forbidden subjects. Anything that has anything to do with
you can be asked about in your Akashic Records. The only limitation in
terms of what you can ask is that you cannot access the Akashic Records
of another person without their permission, so any information you
receive about relationships will include what is held in your Records about
that person.
Can I ask about the future during an Akashic Record Consultation?
Yes, you can ask about and get a great deal of information about the
future from the Akashic Records. One important parameter here is that
the Akashic Records cannot predict what will occur in the future with
certainty. This is because you have free will to choose what will unfold in
the future. Information about the future will come in the form of
potentials and possibilities, which can often give you the information you
need to move forward in making choices that will lead to your desired
What does it mean when someone gets different answers to the same
question in two different sessions, either from the same person or
from another person?
There are several possible reasons depending on your situation. One is
that there could be a change in your intention as you ask during the two
separate sessions. For instance, if the first time you ask about John
Smith, you are in a conflict with him and want to win, you will get
information about how to engage with him in a way that works best for
you. If the next time you ask, you really are tired of the whole thing and
just want to get him out of your life, you will get information about how
to disengage from the situation and release him from your life. Either
way, you might ask why he is bothering you, but your engagement in the
process with him leads you to have a different intention behind your
The second possible dynamic involves the fact that our paths do change
over time, and so does the information regarding our paths. Even if you
asked precisely the same question, your soul's decisions over time may
have changed the answer. One day, you might have a soul contract to
learn something from John Smith the next day you may have determined
that you can learn this thing somewhere else and you rewrite the contract
or you may have learned the lesson on a soul level.
The third and most important dynamic is the nature of channeling.
Remember that anytime you are using a channel like Luminessa to
receive information, that channel receives and interprets the information
through their own mental, emotional, and energetic filters. It is the
responsibility of the channel to be as clear as possible, but of course the
information is being interpreted in a particular way because it comes
through that person's mind as opposed to someone else’s.
Always be sure to run the information through your own filters of
discernment. If something does not ring true for you, then consider letting
it go or seeing it in a different perspective or putting "on the shelf" for
awhile and letting it just be for a time. No channel is perfect at this, and
anyone who claims to be is probably putting far too much pressure on
themselves to do the impossible (and on you to believe them)! It is vital
that you retain your own thinking and use your own judgment as to what
feels right to you throughout the process of receiving information from