Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life
To prepare for Your Session it is Best to:
Refrain from asking questions beginning with 'when will...' or 'should I...'.
Ask questions that are about the deeper underlying causes, reasons for the situation, problem or challenge that you are facing. (Since I am not giving you a reading but rather a counseling session in your Akashic Records, the deeper you go the more profound your session will be.)
If at all possible find a quiet uninterrupted space to receive your session.
Give yourself a few minutes before your session to center yourself.
Here Are Some Examples of the Types of Questions Recommended
Why did I choose this family or lineage and what does my soul desire to learn?
What am I here to teach them and what am I learning from them?
What does my soul wish to learn regarding my current relationship with_____?
What are we here to teach each other?
Would starting this type of business be in alignment with my divine blueprint and in support of my overall mission here?
What type of business would be best for me to create or be involved in and support my soul's growth?
Why did I create the appearance of this illness and what do I need to learn or understand to heal myself?
How can I best support myself and______in moving forward?
What is my true desire and highest good in this situation?
What is my soul's lesson that I am desiring to learn from this situation?
Please come to your session with an open mind ready to receive the wisdom and guidance of your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones and the Lords of the Records and any practical wisdom that I may wish to offer as well. Many times the answers you seek are not the ones you expect. You will get more from your session if you are not attached to the answer but rather are just open to receive.
Take time after your session to integrate it and remember that sometimes the answers you receive may not make sense immediately but will become more clear to you as time goes by. The answers you receive from your Records are from your soul and are for your souls growth not your ego's.
I am a clear and loving channel by which you can receive information from the Akashic Records as well as a deeper understanding of your current journey in life. As your guide and cousnelor I am here to support the integration and practical application, when it applies, of the information you have received.
If you have questions click here to goto our Frequently Asked Questions page.