Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life
Akashic Counseling is NOT a reading. What it is, is an opportunity for you to go deep into your soul, to gain information, healing, guidance and practical knowledge on your soul's purpose for anything in your life including your business.
Through accessing your Akashic Records we will be able to receive a deeper understanding of the questions you have.
In every session depending on your questions, you will have the opportunity to take the information that you have received and develop ways to implement it and utilize it in your life in practical ways.
You may desire to have more than one session for ongoing support or to work on something that requires more time to focus on.
You may also receive from Akashic Counseling session(s):
Clarity and guidance on a recurring problem or theme in your life or important decision.
Gain understanding on your soul's purpose and life lessons regarding patterns that no longer serve you.
Support on making the changes you need to make to move forward in your life.
Release blocks preventing you from having the releationship, career and prosperity you desire.
Feel the peace of your soul and receive a vibrational lift.
Heal negative karmic patterns and past lives that are no longer supporting you.
Understand why you choose your family and the lessons you came to learn from your lineage.
Clear any negative energy regarding karmic relationships as well as soul retrieval, contracts from past life or current life situations that you have given your power to.
Knowledge about a business or organization you are working with or may wish to start.
Receive support in putting the information you hear into practical application in your life.

Are you:
Starting a new business?
Facing a challenge in your business or organization?
Would you like to see the BIG picture?
If so try our newest session Akashic Counseling for
your business or organ-
Sign up this month and
receive a 15 minute FREE consultation.