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Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life

I began my spiritual journey at age 20 when I began to study Hatha Yoga. A whole new world opened up for me and I drank everything in. After reading Autobiography of a Yogi I had a spiritual awakening, and I moved to the Bay Area. Within a year I found my spiritual family and home. The name of the organization was The Teaching of the Inner Christ. This was a non-denominational New Thought Metaphysical church that combined mysticism, metaphysical principles, and New Thought, the teachings of Ernest Holmes.
Our main Master teachers were Jesus and Babaji, but we worked with many other Ascended Masters as well. It was here that I learned how to be a conscious channel and to connect with my I Am Presence and other teachers and guides, as well as how to go very deep in my meditation practice. I was with that organization for 13 years and became a Prayer Therapist, Ordained Minister and Assistant Minister of the S.F. Center.
In 1987 I left T.I.C. and embarked on my studies of the Goddess. I wrote my first book, The Rebirth of the Feminine Spirit, and continued to dedicate myself to doing my inner work as well as offering goddess workshops and public speaking. Over the next decade, I studied Neo-Tantra, Native American teachings, Buddism, Wicca, Non-dual teachings, Enneagram and Shamanism. In 1996 I began to offer private counseling and journey work sessions for people.
In 2010 I was guided to become an Akashic Record reader. I knew that I would be an excellent person for this since I had been channeling for over 20 years. In a very magical way Linda Howe's book, How to be an Akashic Record Reader, jumped into my lap and I began to offer readings right away. Over the past six years, I have become more adept as an Akashic Record reader, spiritual guide/counselor, a life coach, a teacher of New Thought Metaphysics, mystical metaphysical and ascension principles. I also incorporate all of my life experience and work with the Ascended Masters, and Dr. Joe Dispenza's work in developing our superhuman abilities and managing our brain wave states.
Heart and Soul Mentoring is a blend of all of my experience, skills, and knowledge... it is designed to provide healing, wisdom, awareness and practical application to support you in moving forward in your life. I
Luminessa Enjara is an Ordained Minister and Priestess, Akashic
Record Consultant, Spiritual Life Coach, Tantra Coach, Sex Educator, Healing from Trauma and a Certified Shamanic Guide. She has been a teacher of metaphysical principles, meditation techniques, and conscious living for over 35 years. Luminessa is the Co-Founder of The Somatic Integrative Healing Institute, and Founder/Director of the New Feminine Rising and Sasse Girls. She is also a published writer of hundreds of articles, and author of two books.
Some of Luminessa's teachers include: Eli Jackson Bear, Gangagi, Babaji, Lori Grace, Jwala, Margo Anand, Amara Charles, Dr. Anne Myer, Rev. Peggi Garvey, Linda Grace, Jack Kornfield, Ken Keys, Ram Das, Eckhart Tolle, The TwinRay, Francesca Gentile, and Ariel Spillsbury.
Her certifications and degrees include a: B.A. Psychology, B.S. Ministerial Science, M.S. Ministerial Science. She is an Ordained Priestess and Minister , Prayer Therapist, Certified Shamanic Counselor and a Certified Akashic Record Counselor..
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