Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life
CO-CREATING HEAVEN ON EARTH. Heaven on Earth Just for Being.com, Light Activation Play-DAILY PRACTICE OF DIVINE DETACHMENT
Begin: Place hand on Sacred-Heart to Unify; The 1rst Ray of Spirit in the crown chakra, Divine Will, Power, Purpose, Protection and Eternal Peace. The 2nd Ray of Spirit in the heart chakra, Eternal Transfiguring Love and Divine Understanding. Speak with the Sacred Power of the Spoken Word, The 3rd Ray of Spirit, through the throat chakra as Divine Creative-ActiveIntelligence.
SPEAK OUT-LOUD, WITH HAND PLACED ON SACRED HEART; Standing in my Divinity as my Higher-Self. I Claim Direct Access to Source Energy. I now choose to practice Daily Divine Detachment. I choose to co-create a life, where I Love All People and All People Love me. Without energetically attaching to each other. I thank my Higher-Self for doing this for me.
Through the Power of the One Unified Heart and Crystalline Christ Consciousness in me. I claim freedom and SOVEREIGNTY as my inherent right and reality! I Now command all entities or other people's energies, emotions, and thought-forms, to free and release me now.
I send all your energy back to you and bring my own energy back to me. I am now the only thinker in my mind and the only feeler in my body. I now interact with others energetically through my Sacred Heart, free-will and choice. I thank God, my Higher Self, Angels and Elementals for doing this for me. I claim Divine Detachment as my inherent right and reality. I now love all people and all people love me without attaching to each other. I AM Free, I AM Love, I AM Light, I AM Sovereign, I AM God-Goddess. I AM. (This daily practice allows one to become clear, free, individualized and whole.
Through choice one can join in group heart-centered intent as ONE Unified-Love & Heart-Beat for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan) ALTERNATIVE COMMAND… Through the power of the one-heart in me. I Claim DIVINE DETACHMENT as my Inherent Birth Right! I Command all archons, entities or other beings energies that are attached to me, feeding on me, draining me, chording me, inhibiting me or binding me, to FREE and RELEASE me now. Including all sexual attachments. You are no longer allowed to attach to any part of me. I send everyone else’s energy home to them. I call back to me my own energy. I thank God, my Higher-Self, and Angels for doing this for me in the Now.
I Now Love all people and all people Love me, without attachment.” Everything in life is impersonal, when it is personal it is karmic. If anyone’s energy is still chording or attached it may be a karmic relationship. If it is karmic there is an opportunity to clear and transmute this karmic relationship through violet flame work.
Download Free “Violet Flame Play-sheets” from Heavenonearthjustforbeing.com *Camille Moritz, Revelator of Light