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Practical Spirituality for Everyday Life

The Akashic Records are energetic imprints of every thought,
action, emotion, and experience that has ever occurred in time and
space. The Akashic Records can also be understood as the imprint
of all experiences of all lifetimes in all realities. They are an etheric,
holographic repository of information for human consciousness for
the past, present and potentials for the future.
The Akashics are a name derived from the Sanskrit word Akasha and it refers to the base substance of the universe. This is the substance by which the Universe is made and that retains a record of all that has ever occurred to everything that has ever existed. Scientists in various fields are beginning to find evidence that confirms the existence of Akasha and are beginning to see it as a ‘field’ as Omni present as gravity and the electromagnetic field. It is currently discussed in the various scientific communities as the ‘in-formation’ field that underlies everything and is the force that holds all things together.
The Akashic Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities through the vibrations of compassion and joy. They are like the DNA of the universe. They contain a collection of everything that has occurred in the past, and they hold a complete set of information regarding possibilities for the future. Every individual soul has its own, unique Akashic Record. The souls of groups, events, organizations, and locations also have a unique Akashic Record.
One way to understand the Akashic Records is to envision them as a
vast library that contains the entire history of each soul since their first incarnation on earth. Each book in the library is the record of a soul's imprint as well as every aspect of who you are now and all the potentials for your future.
This metaphorical library is so vast that it could never exist physically. Instead, it is recorded energetically in the vibration of
the Love that makes up everything in the Universe.
The clear truth contained in the Akashic Records allows you the
freedom to choose grace in all things. When you know the truth, you
can release any illusions you have created that cause you to believe you
are separate from God, Spirit, or Source.
The Akashic Records are one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today, to help us remember our Oneness with every being in the Universe, and to find our personal and collective power to create the realities we desire.
Please listen to this podcast to find out more
about the Akashic Records.
Adventures in Consciousness - Luminessa Enjara
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