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What it Means to Awake in Today's World

Luminessa Enjara

Many of you may have heard of the book Conversation’s With God by Neal Donald Walsh. Well just recently I picked it up to read. I can't believe I never read this book when it first came out. The part I turned to, by just opening to a page in the book, was about Neal asking God about being on the spiritual path for 20 years and still struggling to survive, and I thought well this could be me. His questions were my questions still and very apropos. The conversation God was having was about what it means to be Self Realized. I know that this term, Self Realization has been used for many years by those on a spiritual path. And those of us who have committed ourselves to that path have often believed that to be Self Realized would feel different than the way we ordinarily feel. I know that I didn’t know exactly what it would be like but I thought I had had tastes of it. But what God was telling Neal was that self realization is staying in the space of God each moment. That is to say that we re-identify again and again with who we really are rather than with the illusion of who we think we are in the midst of our story. It use to be that when a person ‘woke up’ he/she would have a sudden awakening of some sort, a kundalini awakening, or the mind would suddenly just stop and silence would be all that was felt.

This is not the case for those of us who have been the spiritual seekers of our generation. Today self-realization is for the masses and it involves a consistent day to day, moment to moment remembrance of who you, me, we are. Today we are here to evolving into Homo Spiritus and to become Homo Universalis which is to live as spiritual beings in a human form fully present and feeling our connection to each other. That means awakening in each moment to our divinity and meeting each situation from that space, that God consciousness.

I know for myself that I have often thought that when I 'really awakened to my full God Self that I would feel suddenly peaceful all the time or loving all the time. That I too would experience a sense of stillness all the time, that is not it. God realization is realizing your true identity each moment, remembering IAM, I AM, IAM.

What this means is that we are already programmed to be God, to create as God creates, to love as God loves, to be all the qualities that God I AM is. No big bang for us or sudden shift in our awareness. It is a moment to moment process of our remembering who we are in the midst of being physical dealing with physical things like paying the bills, or raising children or working on our careers. Self Realization is the process of realizing that you, me, we are the image and likeness of God over and over again in this human form and living as that, being that regardless of our circumstances. Our commitment to that is what carries us through the really difficult times that may arise in any moment .

"This is our commitment to remember who we are no matter what shows up, even if we forget for awhile we get back on track and tune in to that undeniable fact that we are living God/Goddess beings and this is our time to show up as that."

I am no different than anyone else. I am writing these words first for myself and to myself. Of course I hope that anyone who reads them will benefit from them in some way, but I write really

myself. I need to hear God speaking to me the same way God spoke to Neal. It is a never ending journey this business of awakening and it is quite a ride. Be well and many blessings to all who may be reading this.

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