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Loving Life As It Is

Writer's picture: Luminessa EnjaraLuminessa Enjara

I recently had a teaching dream. I do not remember much of its details, only the very end. But before I fully awoke I kept saying to myself the message of the last part of this dream. The message was about the precious gift that life is. How precious it is to actually have a body and be living life. That when we are born, we are not only choosing to be here, but we are being given the greatest gift we will ever have, the opportunity to live in a human form. Most of us do not remember. I do not. But when we were infants we were joyful, happy little beings. We took delight in everything we saw and heard. We giggled and laughed or screamed and cried. We were just living without any filters. There was no thought that separated us from our experience, no judgment about whatever we were experiencing. Life was just what the experience of each moment was for us. And so we were able to fully express our enjoyment of life. For a long time now I have been praying to just be happy I am alive. Each morning I would awake and not always feel grateful for my life and whatever current life challenge I happened to be dealing with. I understood from reading and sitting with many enlightened and awakened beings that part of the awakening process is to just love and appreciate life itself, and your life in particular. And, no matter what your circumstances, to find joy in just breathing and feeling and using your senses. This all sounded very good to me, but it seemed to allude me as I knew I did not always love my life. In fact I mostly would awake feeling trapped in it. And let me say that I have been on a spiritual path for over 30 years. So at this point in my process you would think that I would have arrived at that point of being able to embrace life, enjoy all of it no matter what it was offering me. At least this is what I was thinking. So I continued to ask God to help me to learn how I could love being in a body, breathing in and out and to love being here. So the message of my dream seemed to be trying to convey how important it was for me to get how precious this gift of being alive is. That in the flick of an eye it can be taken away. And so to learn to be able to really, deeply appreciate everything that is given to us, no matter how challenging it may be in the moment. To embrace all of what life has to offer with gusto. To cherish it all and give thanks for everything. To truly be in gratitude for whatever shows up and ask God’s grace to flow into you and your life. I have a dear, dear friend who at this time is teaching me how to do this. She has been through so many challenges in her own life, and has consistently, in these past two years, shown me how to just give thanks for it all. She never waivers from thanking God/Goddess for everything she is going through or dealing with, no matter how big or small. She teaches me by example and shares with me how she wakes up each morning thanking God for being alive. This level of humility and love of life, is what my own dream was teaching me. The brief part that I remembered was obviously the most important part for me. In a way it answered my prayers, for it has inspired me to write this article to share what I have received, and to feel into the message that I have given to myself. So I am inviting you too, to take a moment, an hour, a day, to sit with whatever you may get from this message, to reflect upon your own love,or lack of love, of your life. I know that being in the world at this time can be very challenging. We are in the midst of a huge transformation, leaving behind one way of living and thinking and moving into a new world that we are all co-creating.

To meet any challenge that you may be facing, no matter how big or small here is a meditation you can do to help yourself accept it the way it is.

1. Sit quietly and envision a light coming from your sternum or heart or hara, about an inch wide, going straight down into the earth.

2. Now think of whatever things you are having a hard time accepting in your life. Whether it be with a person, your work, money, health, or??? Let your feelings of resistance go and your emotional charge drain down the grounding cord and go into the deepest part of mother Earth.

3. Go through each thing, fear, doubt, hopelessness, anger, anxiety or anything that feels like resistance to the way it is. Breathe deeply and on the exhale imagine all of that energy flowing down the tube of light, your grounding cord.

4. Now say to your self, I Accept, I Accept, I Accept ________ the way it is. I Trust, I Trust, I Trust that there is a higher purpose for this, even if I don't knwo what it is yet. I Trust my 'souls journey that all is perfect. I Accept, I Accept, I Accept,

I do this meditation often, and I find it quite helpful in reminding me that the more I let go of my resistance the less struggle I have with my life. Invite you to experince this too. And then, from this place of acceptance, you may feel inspired to take some form of action.

The world we wish to live in, to create for ourelves and for future generatiuons can only be created when we move from inspired action. Anything else will come from our fear and only create more of the same. When we can do this, then we are open to listening to that Still Small Voice Within, or the fabulous idea that pops into our mind, or the book that fall open into our lap. Source, Spirit can only work through you. But you must be available to hear it.

I need to remember to lift my vibration and to know that I no longer have to live in a reality less than what I am choosing. To remember that I am a master of my own reality and have a choice in each moment how I respond to everything that is given to me. In that I can find the deep gratitude for each thing that has come my way today and be truly thankful for this amazing life.

opportunity to be here on EARTH at this time and to be living and breathing and feeling and growing and being a part of creating a New World.

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