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What is Akashic Counseling?

Writer's picture: Luminessa EnjaraLuminessa Enjara

Akashic Counseling is not a reading. What it is, is an opportunity for you to go deep into your soul's wisdom to gain insight, awareness, clarity, focus, guidance and practical knowledge about anything in your life that you are facing.

As an Akashic Record Counselor I have had the prvilige of being able to serve people when they most need some outside support or objectivity about a situation, relationship or circumstance in their lives.

What I Do in a Session

I first will guide you into a more relaxed and calm state of being with a short meditation. Then I will ask you to share whatever your question is and as you do so I will enter into your Records. I will ask your guides, teachers, aspects of your inner identity, and of course the Lords of the Akashic Records in and welcome them. Then I will ask you to tell me what your first question is and we will go from there. I may channel a welcome to you from the Lords of the Records or any other teacher. I am able to see images of past lives, and feel energy in your records whether it is positive or negative. I get a sense of the energy often about a person you name, or even about a situation or decision you have made. The guidance that I receive can also come as words I hear, and thought or ideas I get.

Sometimes, I see a past life or feel your energy from that life time and then I am able to clear the energy if it is harmful or negative, cancel the karmic contract you may have had, in general clear the karmic pattern and heal that life times pattern.

I also may offer very practical solutions that come from what I receive as well as from my training or experience and wisdom in a particular topic. For example, if you had asked a question regarding your business, I might add things from my own training in this area combined with what your Records say. That is why I say that my sessions offer "practical spirituality for everyday life."

During a session you may also receive a soul retrieval to claim your power back, or you may need to break a contract with a person. I may receive a vision of a past life that is still effecting you in adverse ways or feel the need for some kind of clearing regarding a person, place or situation. My sessions are very present time as far as what I am guided to do and I always do clearing and healing as needed. Most of my clients who have needed some of this type of clearing have felt the difference immediately.

Here are a few things you can do for yourself if you feel someone else's energy in in your field:

  1. See the person before you in your minds eye.

  2. Check to see where you feel stuck energy or corded with that person. What energy center or chakra feels dense energy. So as you look at that person you will be able to see or sense where the cord of dense energy is between you.

  3. Next choose your weapon of choice, knife, machete, hatchet and wack the cord. Cut it with all of your might and then immediately as if you were the North Wind, blow the person away from you as far as you can and if you need to have their energy explode or if not just to have them go as far away as possible from you.

  4. You can always see a beautiful cord of pink or green healing energy from you to them if you want or not.

  5. I have done this several times in a day if needed.

You may be asking yourself why would you need a session like this...and the answer is, that we all need assistance sometimes when we are dealing with life. Even if you are a very strong person and are capable of working through your own problems, every now and then outside help is needed. Now remember, that actually even though I am another person I am not the one actually bringing forward the information. Your Records and your Guides are so in truth you are asking for help from as aspect of your self. So by being willing to ask for assistance and receive it your are serving yourself in the highest way you can in that moment.

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